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Clarity Group Midwest

Blog Articles

2024 Q2 Market Update

Review Q2 of 2024 and how the market fared over the last quarter, gain some insight on investment ideas and principals, and how to be prepared for when the market gets volatile. 
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Setting Financial and Investment Goals

"Setting goals is a very important part of life in general and in financial planning in particular. Before you actually invest your money, you should spend some time considering and setting your personal financial goals. For example, do you want to retire early? Would you like to start your own business soon? Do you need to pay for your children's college education? Would you like to buy or build a new house?Taking time to consider what you want to achieve as a result of your investment
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Lump-Sum Investing vs. Periodic Investing

Whether to invest a large amount all at once or over a short period of time (lump-sum investing), or to invest gradually over a longer period of time (periodic investing) is an investment strategy decision you'll have to face if you're fortunate enough to have a lump sum available to invest. Would it be better to put money into the market a little at a time or to invest it all at once? CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
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Debt Service Ratio Versus Debt Safety Ratio

"The debt service ratio and debt safety ratio are tools designed to gauge your ability to repay debt. Both the debt service ratio andthe debt safety ratio compare your loan obligation to your monthly income. Your debt service ratio compares your total monthlyloan payments to your gross monthly income, while your debt safety ratio compares your monthly consumer debt payments toyour monthly take-home pay. These are important calculations for two reasons..."
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2024 Financial Fitness

Let's make 2024 the year where we get in the best financial shape possible! We've made it our goal to help everyone we can attain a level of financial fitness that they are comfortable with and that works for them. So, we’re introducing a Financial Fitness Checkup program to clients and prospective clients in 2024.
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A Year in Review & What's in Store for 2024

Tune in while we reflect on the past year and look forward to the financial future of 2024.
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Clarity Group Chats: Financial Issues for New Parents

Join Chris in our third episode of Clarity Group Chats as he covers the financial issues that new parents face.
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Debt Management

When you were growing up, you may have heard your parents or grandparents say, "If you can't pay for it with cash, then you can't afford to buy it." That may have been sound advice 40 or even 20 years ago, but such attitudes about credit are outdated and unrealistic for most adults working and living in modern times.
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Key Financial Data for 2024

Check out our latest presentation on key financial data for the New Year!
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Can Money Determine Your Happiness?

In 1964, Paul McCartney and John Lennon of the Beatles co-wrote the hit song “Money Can’t Buy Me Love” but, could it bring you happiness?
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Last Chance Financial Planning Checklist

Elevate your financial game with our quick video presentation. Learn key strategies for year-end success and start the new year on a prosperous note. Also, download our comprehensive checklist.
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Quarterly Economic Update - Third Quarter 2023

Historically, the third quarter is the worst quarter of the year in equity markets. 2023’s third quarter followed that trend. September was very uncomfortable for investors as volatility increased during this last month of the quarter. Equities moved lower in late September as the Federal Reserve refrained from raising rates, but announced there is a possibility of another....
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Financial Issues for New Parents

Welcoming a new addition to your family is a joyous occasion, but it also brings financial responsibilities. This article dives into the financial challenges that new parents encounter and offers valuable insights to help you navigate parenthood's financial landscape.
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Hack Proof Your Smartphone

Join us for a comprehensive guide to fortify your smartphone's defenses. This video presentation reveals strategies and tactics to make your smartphone hacker-resistant.
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Proactive Year-end Tax Planning for 2023 and Beyond

Discover essential Year- End tax planning tips to optimize your tax situation and secure a stronger financial future. Click here to read about these crucial insights!
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Key College Funding Data

Dive into the essential college funding data that every student and parent should be aware of. Watch now to pave your way towards a brighter academic future!
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2nd Quarter Economic Update - 2023

The second quarter of 2023 tested even the most seasoned of investors. It was a quarter that included the U.S. reaching a debt ceiling agreement, the Federal Reserve pausing their aggressive interest rate hikes, and bank failure fears starting to subside.
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U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Student Loan Cancellation, Payments to Resume

Three important developments occurred recently in the world of federal student loans: the U.S. Supreme Court blocked an executive order offering loan cancellation to certain borrowers; Congress set an expiration date for the payment moratorium that has been in effect since March 2020; and new student loan interest rates have been set for the 2023–2024 school year. Here are the details.
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Life Insurance Basics

Proper life insurance coverage should provide you with peace of mind, since you know that those you care about will be financially protected after you die.
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Cybersecurity Presentation

Check out our video presentation to learn about the 10 Cybersecurity threats every person and business faces - and how to fight them now.
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1st Quarter Economic Update 2023

The first quarter of 2023 had investors sitting on the edge of their seats as the equity markets took them for a bumpy ride.
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Managing Your Wealth in 2023 - Proactive Tax Strategies

Check out this video where we discuss ways to manage your wealth in 2023 by utilizing proactive tax strategies.
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Women and Estate Planning Basics

When it comes to estate planning, women have unique concerns. The fact is that women live an average of 5.8 years longer than men.
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Clarity Group Chats- Episode 2

At Clarity Group Midwest we believe starting to plan early on in life is a key to your financial success. Now let us tell you why. Please enjoy our second episode of Clarity Group Chats as we discuss the importance of investing early.
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4th Quarter Economic Update 2022

It’s probably a fair assumption to say that most investors are happy 2022 is in the books. After enjoying the longest bull market in history, from after the financial crisis in 2009 to the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the bear finally officially rose from its slumber and dominated Wall Street.
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Welcome to 2023!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2023! We hope that you and your family had an enjoyable holiday season. We look forward to what this new year has to offer.
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Top Year-End Investment Tips

Just what you need, right? One more time-consuming task to be taken care of between now and the end of the year.
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3rd Quarter Economic Update 2022

Investors understand that markets go up and also go down. After being treated to better than average returns for over a decade, 2022 has been a year that has tested even the most seasoned of investors.
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Rolling Over Employer Retirement Plans: What You Need to Know

When you leave your employer, you have several options available to you for managing your retirement savings plan assets.
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Clarity Group Chats - Episode 1

Like many other savers and investors, you may be worried that we are headed toward more challenging economic times. Successful savers and investors are usually more prepared to handle difficult financial periods because they understand some key foundational information. Check out this video to hear 8 key tips in being a successful investor.
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Saving for Retirement & a Child's Education at the Same Time

You want to retire comfortably when the time comes. You also want to help your child go to college. So how do you juggle the two? The truth is.....
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Mid Year Economic Report

Please enjoy our Mid Year Economic presentation for 2022. If you have any questions regarding the material discussed, please give us a call
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Bear Markets Come and Go

The longest bull market in history lasted almost 11 years before coronavirus fears and the realities of a seriously disrupted U.S. economy brought it to an end.
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Life Insurance at Various Stages

Your need for life insurance changes as your life changes. When you're young, you typically have less need for life insurance, but that changes as you take on more responsibility and your family grows.
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Establishing a Budget

Do you ever wonder where your money goes each month? Does it seem like you're never able to get ahead?
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Factors You Can Control

When it comes to investing there are many circumstances that can draw your attention. Focusing on factors you can control can help alleviate concern.
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Financial Responsibility- It’s Never Too Early to Start

Children and money will always be intertwined. From birth to adolescence and from college graduation to having children of their own, children will always be linked to money and finances.
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Planning For Retirement

Retirement! Most Americans get excited about the day they no longer have to go to work to earn an income. No more bosses, no more meetings to attend, no more schedules to keep, no more stress that even the best of jobs can create.
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Strategies for Investors in Uncertain Times

After one of the most contentious presidential elections in recent history, as of November 6th, the election results are still not finalized and they might be contested for the foreseeable future. A new administration could bring changes ...
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Market Volatility

The last few days of February created confusing and turbulent times for investors. The rough stock market fluctuations created a rollercoaster-type of ride that has attracted almost every media outlet.
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Planning For Retirement

Retirement! Most Americans get excited about the day they no longer have to go to work to earn an income.
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Strategies for Investors in a Volatile Market

During volatile times, many investors get agitated and begin to question their fundamental investment decisions and choices. This is especially true for those investors who monitor their portfolios daily and can be tempted to pull out of the market and wait on the sidelines until it seems safe to dive back in.
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Portfolio Rebalancing

Rebalancing your portfolio can be a good way to help keep your investment strategy on track towards meeting your goals.
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